What we do

We do all sorts of tasks involving software. We can develop from scratch and develop for, update, and configure various CMS platforms.

Types of services and products

  • Embedded software/special purpose software
  • Websites on known CMS platforms (Joomla, DotNetNuke, WordPress)
  • Webshops
  • SCADA software
  • Communication converters/concentrators
  • SharePoint
    • SPFx
    • Add-ons
    • Microsoft Teams
    • Flows
    • On-prem solutions
    • Consultancy


  • Web frameworks and tools
    • C#
    • Web API, WCF
    • Azure
    • Office 365
    • ASP.NET Web forms
    • Python Django
    • Kubernetes
    • Java
    • Groovy
    • Scala
    • Kafka, Flink, Spark
    • Google Cloud Platform
    • Amazon Web Services
  • JavaScript
    • React
    • Redux
    • NextJS
    • Knockout
    • jQuery
    • Webpack
    • TypeScript
  • Databases
    • MSSQL
    • Postgres
    • Mysql
    • Sqlite
  • Desktop
    • WPF
    • WIX installers
    • Windows Services